Risk & Insurance Symposium

  • Author | Heather Sturtz
  • 9/14/2023 7:10 am

Seven years ago, Public Entity Partners held our first Risk & Insurance Symposium. This event serves to educate and recognize our members, and provide opportunities for them to network with each other.


The 2023 Risk & Insurance Symposium is in the rearview mirror, and it was one for the record books! We had a record attendance of 275 registrants representing more than 150 members. We appreciate all those who attended and benefited from the extensive list of topics that were covered to assist our membership in their risk management efforts and ensure they have the proper coverage for their entities.


With topics such as Defensive Driving, Cybersecurity, Mutual Aid, Property Valuations, Workers’ Compensation and Employment Practices Liability, attendees expanded their knowledge and left with many best practices. As one member responded in their post-event survey: “Keep it going as it is … this is truly one of the best conferences that I attend throughout the year.”


We appreciate the efforts of all who made this event happen and look forward to the next Risk & Insurance Symposium, scheduled for Aug. 21-23, 2024. This will again be held at the Cool Springs Marriott Franklin. We look forward to seeing you there!