Preventing Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazards

  • Author | Halie Gallik
  • 1/6/2021 8:00 am

Are you looking for safety-related tips and roll call-style training to share with your team? All PE Partners members have access to EHS Hero, powered by Simplify Compliance, which allows you to easily tap into information on hundreds of safety topics.


One top safety topic is the prevention of slips, trips and falls, which are some of the most consistent causes of workers’ compensation claims. There are numerous potential slip, trip and fall hazards in every workplace, and each year thousands of disabling injuries occur as a result of these hazards.


Each of us has a responsibility to prevent conditions that can lead to these types of injuries. Some easy prevention tips include keeping aisles, walkways and stairs free from tools, materials and other hazards; cleaning up leaks and spills; and blocking off and marking areas that are in need of attention. Other ways to target possible hazards include reminding employees to stay focused on the task at hand, wear proper shoes and clothing, and watch for uneven walking surfaces.


These tips may sound simple, but reminding employees of common causes of injuries and ways they can avoid accidents is key to preventing these incidents from occurring, and is a great way to build a safety culture where each employee knows that safety is everyone’s responsibility.


If you don’t have access to EHS Hero please call or email:

Heather Hughes

Communications & Research Specialist
