How-To Videos for Online Claims Filing

  • Author | Halie Gallik
  • 1/6/2021 3:00 pm

In September, Public Entity Partners began using a new claims management system, Origami Risk. The online claims forms that are used to submit claims also changed as part of this claims administration system.  Anyone within your organization who has access to our online portal can file claims for your entity online. 

The online claims forms include the ability to save an incident in draft status.  Some members are leaving incidents in draft status without submitting the claim.  When an incident is left in draft status our adjusters do not receive the claim for processing. 

If you leave an incident in draft status for more than 24 hours, you will receive an email notification letting you know you have left your incident in draft status with a link to the draft incident to allow you to review and complete the claim. The email notification will come from If you have difficulty submitting your incident from draft status, our member services team can assist you.

Our member services department has recorded several How-To videos that are available in our Risk Library in the online portal.  To view these videos, please login to the online portal.

If you have questions about online claims filing or accessing our online portal, please reach out to our member services team.

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